The last stage of building a keyword list is the keyword organization. There are three basic components of the keyword organization: themes, buyer funnel, and match types.
Themes could be product-based, service-based, funnel-based or anything you think is relevant to your ads or campaign. It is based on what do you want to send the traffic to a specific place on your website or a landing page.
There are two factors you need to optimize in the themes: human relevancy and Google. When you write the ad, you want to encourage users to click on it and take a valuable action. At the same time, you also want to have a good quality score on Google. Therefore, you need to create a good and relevant ad copy, get a high click-through rate and conversion rate, so you can accomplish both factors at once.
At the keyword organization, the buyer funnel really has to do with your bid and your overall budget of campaigns. If you have a limited budget, you really should focus on bidding at the shop and buy funnels because those are the stages that will drive more conversions. If you have a large budget, you can put some bidding on the interest stage and send users more relevant information.
You could download your keyword lists in Excel and then group them in different themes and types, and then use pivot table to structure your ad groups.
Themes will build your ad structure. The most important of themes is relevancy. You want to make your ads are relevant to what the users are searching for. Make sure to send them to the relevant content page. Again, in order to accomplish that, you need to understand your ad structure or themes.Themes could be product-based, service-based, funnel-based or anything you think is relevant to your ads or campaign. It is based on what do you want to send the traffic to a specific place on your website or a landing page.
There are two factors you need to optimize in the themes: human relevancy and Google. When you write the ad, you want to encourage users to click on it and take a valuable action. At the same time, you also want to have a good quality score on Google. Therefore, you need to create a good and relevant ad copy, get a high click-through rate and conversion rate, so you can accomplish both factors at once.
Buyer Funnel
The second important component is the buyer funnel. I already summarized the buyer funnel study notes in detail in the early posts.At the keyword organization, the buyer funnel really has to do with your bid and your overall budget of campaigns. If you have a limited budget, you really should focus on bidding at the shop and buy funnels because those are the stages that will drive more conversions. If you have a large budget, you can put some bidding on the interest stage and send users more relevant information.
Match Types
The match types within a theme are going to help you control what you spend and how much you spend. You want to organize your keywords in different match types: broad match, broad match modified, phrase match, exact match, and negative match. By organizing and analyzing each match type, you will have more control over which match type will trigger your ads.You could download your keyword lists in Excel and then group them in different themes and types, and then use pivot table to structure your ad groups.
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