Once we did all the keyword research, it's time to start keyword planning. Understand the buyer funnel is a very important process for keyword planning. The way a potential customer searches the internet can help us understand where they are in the buyer funnel.
According to the Google Ads course, there are four stages of the buyer journey: awareness, interest, shop, and buy.
There are two things in the awareness stage: one is being aware of the problem that you want to solve, and the other is being aware of a potential solution to that problem. The awareness is much more cognitive in nature, so it is hard to get someone to buy from your brand in this stage.Most people will enter a short term that describes their current problem. For example, when my baby is crying all the time, I start to look for anything that can stop baby cry. I will search "stop baby cry".
Awareness has the lowest click-through rate, and the bidding per click is also low. It is better to write some informative posts and educated content that include some awareness stage keywords.
At this stage, people have the motivation to pursue a potential solution. It is much more emotional than the awareness stage. People may start looking for some useful information to help them get good ideas. They may search for "how-to", "What is", or "Tips for" that kind of search term. However, they are still not ready to buy.Shop
The shop stage is the process of looking for any related product. People may start doing some search, comparing products in different brands, visiting stores nearby, looking at reviews and prices.Therefore, as marketers, we could include some useful ad extensions such as site links, locations, reviews to provide more insightful information to help users to explore more.
This is the final step for the buyer funnel. At this stage, the users are ready to make buying decisions. The search term will contain "buy", "coupon", "shop", "discount" and etc. All those keywords are showing the intent to take action.Start from the shop stage to buy stage, the ad click-through rate is going to be the highest, and the bidding cost per click is also very high, but you will get a very good conversion rate to make your business profitable.
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