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Five Most Useful Headline Tips Make People Read More

When I read news, I only scan on news titles very quick and then click on the one which grads on my attention. I believe most people are reading the same way online. 

David Ogilvy said:"On the average, five times as many people read the headline as read the body copy. When you have written your headline, you have spend eighty cents out of your dollar."

That's why we should focus on headline more than content sometime. General headline or bad headline will lost your audience. Even though your content is amazing and informative, it doesn't matter anymore since nobody will read it.

Here are five most useful headline tips to make people click on and read more your content. 

Start With Numbers

Starting your headline with numbers creates a lot of curiosities that people want to click through and find them out. It also build instructions very easy for audience to read because they can scan them quickly.

It also creates a very easy structure for you to write content because you just make your list.

Use "How To"

"How to" is a very common question that people love to search it on Google. It is very powerful because many people want to know how to solve their problems. If you really want to grad attention and have unique solutions for them, they can't wait to read more!

Flag Common Mistakes

Most time, people also want to know what they did wrong. Flag common mistakes on headlines will help them realize the problem that commonly comes up, so it can get them desires to know the solution.

Ask Questions

Asking questions is a great way to engage people and to really get them into the content because people want to find out the answer.

Use Punctuation

It's a simple technique to use which is especially useful for SEO. You can place main keyword before the colon or hyphen, and add your benefit headline after it.

Moreover, we also need to pay attention to headline length. If you want your headlines to look good and prevent them from being cut off,  make sure your headlines are the right length.

Remember, always practice! Come up with 5 or more different headlines and then choose the best of it!


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